Sunday, June 29, 2008

When will we stop playing God?

Ironically I was reading the Free Press's June the 26th article that Mosquito Fogging would begin this Friday while literally being swarmed by a herd of mosquitoes.

I was in Lockport waiting on the side of Highway 9 waiting for the Beaver Bus (Let me assure the readership that it is a well known fact among Lockportians that mosquito counts are always higher in Lockport).

At this point a man in a truck drove by, briefly stopping to shout: "Don't the mosquitoes bother you?" I quickly retorted: "No, they can be annoying, but I just deal with them.”

As reported in the article the level of West Nile carrying mosquitoes is low, so we are basically spraying for so called "nuisance mosquitoes". I pondered to myself: "Does any other species on the planet think as we do? “

As outlandish as it sounds, what if the trees were to uproot themselves and to systematically start attacking humanity. They could make a pretty good argument that humanities tendency to cut down trees is quite a nuisance to the both their deciduous and non-deciduous brethren alike.

Is humanity a cut above? Or are we just too ignorant and egotistical to see beyond ourselves?

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